Theology Throw Down

Theology Throw Down

A Church and State Discussion and Romans 13

January 03, 2022
Church and StateTheology Throw Down episode 16

The Christian Podcast Community podcasters gather to discuss Romans 13 related to the relationship between church and state and how that applies. Should Christians submit to the government when they make laws like vaccines or mask mandates or make illegal conversation therapy? Conversation therapy is the idea that it would be illegal to talk someone out of homosexuality. When do we obey and when do we resist the government and how can we do that biblically. Much of this is an issue of Christian Liberty. What are the principles that rule when we should do or not do something? Some of the discussion plays into issues of medical decisions or matters of personal protection. These issues fall under the question of what is the government’s role? We must first understand their role before we can answer do we submit to the authority of government.

The issue of church and state has been a regularly debated topic, especially in America. However, the church serves a much different feature than the state and each has its proper function. When one or the other goes outside of their God-given function there will be problems. One of the things that often gets confused in the discussion of the separation of church and state is the difference between obedience and submission. Obedience is following a requirement where submission is an attitude.

Other podcasts related to this topic:

Does Romans 13 Allow Tyranny?

Is Romans 13 an Excuse for Covid 19 Cowardice?

Episode 12: Romans 13 and James Coates

Romans 13 & Race Protests

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