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Two Views of Prophecy (Article)
September 15, 2015

A classic treatment of the radical difference anti-supernaturalism can make to Biblical Studies.

Serving Christ Through Biblical and Theological Research (Article)
August 24, 2015

It is as important as missionary, medical or social work. More people are needed to do it. Have you considered that God might want you to be involved in biblical and theological research?

Why bother with theology? (Article)
August 10, 2015

What's the Point and Why Bother? Why study doctrine and theology at all?

Sociology of Religion (Article)
July 27, 2015

An introduction to how to think about the sociology of religion from an evangelical perspective.

What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? Theological training and the church (Audio Talk)
July 20, 2015

Traditionally the preserve of the academy and neglected in church, does theological training in the life of congregations need re-thought for the 21st century?

Is his testimony true? The Reliability of John's gospel (Audio Talk)
July 16, 2015

John's Gospel has long been considered the least historically accurate gospel. Is this assessment correct?

Did the church hijack Jesus? Heresy and Orthodoxy in the early church (Audio Talk)
June 14, 2015

Is orthodox Christianity really just the winner out of several equally valid understandings of the message of Christ?

Is God A Misogynist? An introduction to Old Testament Ethics (Audio Talk)
May 20, 2015

Is there a tension between Old and New Testament morality? With special reference to the place of women.

The Reliability of John's Gospel (Article)
March 05, 2015

Despite the prevailing scepticism in academia about the reliability of John's gospel, the evidence shows we can be confident that the fourth gospel is a true account of what Jesus said and did.

The Philosophy of Religion (Article)
February 06, 2015

Daniel Hill introduces us to the area of the philosophy of religion, what are the key questions, and who are the key players.