Moms on a Mission

Moms on a Mission

Parenting the Introverted Child

July 06, 2015

She was told her son had autism but today, he is in the top 4% of students across the country.  Pilar's son is brilliant, but he is introverted so he never spoke up in class and had a hard time socializing with kids.  In our extrovert-oriented society, her son's skills were not immediately valued.  Now that he has won national prizes for a documentary and an app that he created, people are beginning to see her son's talents shine (even if he is still the quietest kid in the class.  Learn how to parent an introverted child and how to help them find their mojo.

Pilar recommends reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking (

And Check out the TED Talk on Introverts (