The Modern Alchemist Podcast

The Modern Alchemist Podcast

Letting Go Of the Ego with Aaron Abke

April 20, 2021

Welcome to The Modern Alchemist, where we merge strategy with human consciousness to help you live your definition of Abundance and Success.

I'm your host, Loren Trlin – The Modern Alchemist.

Joining me on today's episode is Aaron Abke

Aaron Abke was born and raised as a Pastor's Son in the Silicon Valley of California. He desired to work in Church Ministry like his father and went to college at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa Oklahoma, graduating with a Bachelors Degree in Music and Theology. He spent one year working as a full-time worship pastor at a church in San Jose until eventually, at 23, he felt called to leave his religion and pursue a more profound and authentic spirituality.

At 27 years old, Aaron had a dramatic spiritual awakening that changed the course of his life. He was working as a signed Fitness Model in San Francisco and competing at the National level in men's bodybuilding at the time. He completely walked out of his former life to dedicate his life to seeking how to return to that state of Self-Realization permanently. Aaron's passion is teaching Unity Consciousness and Spiritual Awakening with the world, and he does so today via YouTube, Social Media, MasterClasses, and Workshops, primarily teaching through texts such as "A Course In Miracles" and "The Law of One".

In today's episode, we discuss egoic consciousness, what the Ego really is, how we misunderstand it, and how we can go about tuning deeply into the divine will of the universe. Aaron believes that Unity Consciousness and freedom from the Ego is the next evolutionary leap for humanity and is available for anyone who truly desires it.

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