The Janet Lewis Show

The Janet Lewis Show

Jim Carter III – On Trying and Failing, Using AI Tools and Giving More

August 08, 2023

JIM CARTER III – ON TRYING AND FAILING, USING AI TOOLS, AND GIVING MOREIn this episode we talk to Jim Carter the III CEO of Carter and Custard which is a purpose driven growth agency that helps make entrepreneurs fearless so they can have a bigger impact.Jim is what I would definitely call a serial entrepreneur and he is a self professed start up junkie which would explain why he has founded or been a cofounder to at least 9 companies over the last two decades.Jim is a “technologist” that is passionate about programming, coding, ai and well anything technology related BUT he is also passionate about helping others hence the latest venture into Carter and Custard.Jim shares his life journey, how he got to where he is today, who and what has influenced him, the challenges he has encountered and what gives him energy to keep moving forward.During our conversation we talked about why we both love start ups and everything ai! Jim shares some practical advice about being open to technology changes and maybe even some secrets about using ChatGPT.In this episode, Jim and I discuss the following:* Having a parent with cancer at a young age, being able to spend more time with them and how it impacts your perspective on life and on parenting* Importance of spending time on things that matter the most to you* Why you should try things, fail, learn, and try again* Challenges of downsizing a business* What happens when you chase money* Importance of showing up and unblocking yourself* What happens when you give yourself permission to make changes* A great example of how to use AI to save you time and money* The law of innovation and technology and how we are living through one of the biggest technology changes in our lifetime right now* Why it is important to lean into AI and how it can help your and your business* How you can create better AI prompts to get a better output* What Ai is and how we need to think about it* Different between feel good decisions and good business decisions* Challenges and ethics around the use of AI* Why Google won the search engine competition* Future predictions for the AI industry* Why we both love start ups and how exciting it is to be a new entrepreneur just starting out* The biggest lesson that Jim has learned* What you need to do if you have the right idea, but it is the wrong time* The three secrets to success* Why most new businesses fail* Why you should give more and give without any expectationsIf you would like more information on Jim, you can visit:Instagram – – – – to this podcast on Spotify, Google PodcastiTunes or click play below to stream it.If you have a minute, leave a short review here, or send me an email to tell me what other guests I should have on the podcast.