The Jamie J Podcast

The Jamie J Podcast

Latest Episodes

Microcast: Your Word
January 25, 2023

In this microcast of The Jamie J Podcast it's all about exactly what your word means. As a small business owner, the impact of words can make or break relationships. Having a positive perspective and

Microcast: Effort
January 24, 2023

In this microcast of The Jamie J Podcast it's all about effort, because the amount of effort you put in, and the level of urgency you assign to a task is directly proportional to the size of the rewar

Stress Release 101
January 22, 2023

We're your one stop shop for stress relief without the awkwardness of an adult massage! Join us in todays episode as we take a straight forward practical approach to understanding stress and exactly w

SOP’s For Success
January 17, 2023

In this episode we'll be talking about SOP's - no, not Soggy Old Potatoes, we're talking about Standard Operating Procedures and why they're the real shortcut to business success.

Serving Your Customers
January 12, 2023

Customer Service - Seems like it ain't what she used to be. Yes, there have been significant shifts from then to now, but if you want to really stand out in the red ocean of services and service provi

May 18, 2022

When it comes to creating the life and business of your dreams, it comes down to mastering 1 specific area - accountability. IN this episode I share a tool for giving yourself that, each and every tim

Customer Service Hacks
December 14, 2021

Double your customer satisfaction (and create an avalanche of sales!) with these easy-to-implement customer service hacks. With a little effort from you and your team, customers will be raving about e

Talent: Hired vs Developed
December 06, 2021

The question of whether you want to hire or develop talent is one that all business owners must face. While hiring talent can be faster and easier, it doesn't always lead to the best fit for your comp

5 Ways To Build Your Brand FAST!
December 03, 2021

When you're looking for ways to build your brand, it can be easy to feel lost. But don't worry - we've narrowed down the five most popular tips that will help any business owner create a strong and re

Employee Attraction & Retention
November 23, 2021

Hiring and retaining employees is a whole different ballgame in today's world. As a business owner, you know the importance of attracting and retaining good employees, as they are one of your most imp
