The Geek Generation

The Geek Generation

#118 - Voice of the Voiceless

January 21, 2013

Host: Rob Logan

Co-host: Mike Volpe

The Geek Generation – #118 – Voice of the Voiceless

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Show notes:

  • Got feedback??

  • Announcement: The Geek Generation presents Batman Returns on the big screen

  • Listener Mailbag
  • Announcement: The 2012 Geeky Awards are happening

  • Obscure Movie Reviews with SuperFan Chris Tong

    • Bangkok Adrenaline

  • Geek Outs:

    • Fringe series finale
    • New 50″ Panasonic HD plasma TV
    • Facebook’s new “Get Notifications” option

  • Freak Outs:

    • Podcasts app
    • Syncing with iTunes
    • TV died
    • Car totaled thanks to Verizon
