The Garbage Barge Podcast

The Garbage Barge Podcast

110: Why I Didn’t Report, Dr. Ford, Taped Up Sneakers, Marvel Television And Some Pop Culture Potpourri!

September 26, 2018

Drink of the day: Modelo Chelada Tamarindo Picante (SO GOOD.)
Colin Anderson and Candice Chetta are talking about the thing that’s on EVERYONE’S mind this week: The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and the extremely brave women who have come forward to try to stop this man from getting onto the Supreme Court of the United States.
Of course, we’re following it up with a smarmy little Criminy River. And we wouldn’t be the trash we are without a Strug Boat absolutely chock FULL of some Bravo news and pop culture potpourri! Oh, it’s so good!
We couldn’t keep our motors boating if it wasn’t for the support of our incredible Patrons! If you like what you hear, please consider becoming a supporter of The Garbage Barge and help us keep doing what we do!
You can find all the information you need right here at!
Intro, Outro and Criminy River music composed by Aaron Cotler.
Our September giveaway is themed back to school and we’re giving away:

Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 30th Anniversary Edition by Paulo Freire
Kittens in Space Coilbound Decomposition Book by Michael Roger Inc.
A Garbage Barge sticker and button!

How to enter*:

Follow us @thegarbagebarge
Tag TWO FRIENDS in any post you’d like! You can tag them in the giveaway if you think they might want to enter, or in an episode you think they might like!


Follow us @thegarbagebarge
Tag TWO FRIENDS on any post on our Facebook feed and let them know about us!


Follow us @thegarbagebarge
Retweet your favorite episode from our feed or retweet the giveaway information!

That’s it, you’re entered!
*Bot/Repeat entries from bot accounts will be removed.
Music: 00:00:00-00:00:24
Intro/Patreon: 00:00:22-00:05:45
The Garbage Barge: 00:05:46-00:18:06
Criminy River: 00:18:07-00:21:34
Strug Boat: 00:21:35-00:36:43
Music/Outro: 00:36:29-00:37:06
The #WhyIDidntReport Hashtag
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Agrees To Testify Under Pressure From GOP
Chuck Grassley Leaks The Dr. Ford Letter  Addressed To Diane Feinstein 
Why The #BelieveSurvivors Walkout Is Important 
Michael Avenatti Claims To Have Another Person Who Wants To Report 
Who Is Anita Hill? 
Deborah Ramirez Comes Forward With New Allegations Re: Kavanaugh
A Second Allegation Has Come Out About Kavanaugh 