The Force Field Podcast

The Force Field Podcast

Episode 63 - The NCSP Report Panel Discussion

January 27, 2013

We talk with three IT service providers and ask them if they think the data in the National Contractor and Service Platform Survey Report is a fair assessment of the state of the IT service industry.

TechPodcasts Promo Tag :10

Intro 1:18

Billboard :48

News and Comment segment 7:13

The FCC wants everyone to be on gigabit ethernet by 2015. is offering a FREE Guide called Ubuntu: An Absolute Beginners Guide. This 30 page guide will tell you everything you need to know about Ubuntu, a free, open-source linux based operating system with 20 million users worldwide. The guide is free to qualified professionals.

Leap Motion announced plans to launch the Leap Motion Controller exclusively at Best Buy this spring.

Office Max and GoDaddy have teamed up to offer web site bundles to small and medium-size businesses in the retail marketplace.

Commercial Break 2:00

The Computer Business Kit

Intro to Topic 2:14

In the summer of 2012, The Force Field conducted a survey of IT service providers and asked them to rate the national contractors and service platforms from best to worst. The results were published in a 20 page The National Contractor and Service Platform Survey Report released in tandem with The Force Field Episode 62. Today we’ve assembled a panel of three IT service professionals who represent a cross-section of technicians who actively perform contract work in the field. Our three panelists are Parrish Reinhoel of Pathfinder Networks, Chris Tiffany of Sprinter Technology Services and Dave Hayden of Computer 911. We will ask them what they think of the survey data and if it paints an accurate picture of the techs, the nationals, the platforms, and the IT service industry as a whole. Download The Force Field 2012 National Contractor and Service Platform Survey Report.

The National Contractor and Service Platform Survey Report Panel Discussion 23:30

Wrap up and Close :46

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