The Expanse - An Enterprise Podcast

The Expanse - An Enterprise Podcast

5. Gender, Equality and the Cogenitor

August 26, 2020

In this episode, Kris Hill and Kyle West discuss Trip’s actions in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode Cogenitor. Was he right to interfere, or was he showing complete ignorance throughout the whole episode? Perhaps more importantly, did the writing of the episode have its own issues, with how it discussed the Cogenitor’s gender? Following that, they discuss the much wider issues of gender and equality in today’s world, and whether the future depicted by Star Trek is even attainable. Due to the nature of this week’s content, we are providing the following contact details, should anyone feel they need to discuss any suicidal thoughts with someone who can help them: United States: 1-800-273-8255. United Kingdom: 116 123 Canada: 1-833-456-4566 Australia: 13-11-14 New Zealand: 1737 Twitter/Instagram/Facebook: @nx01podcast Theme music: Heroics, by Boil The Ocean, via Also used: Red Red Shoes, by Car Donic, via STAR TREK, and all relatedContinue reading5. Gender, Equality and the Cogenitor