Disaster Podcast

Disaster Podcast

Community, Personal and Family Disaster Preparedness Tips

February 28, 2015

This week’s episode features a whole episode dealing with a question from a listener. Jake commented on the recent episode on Dehydration and Disaster Response. He wanted us to address personal preparedness for the layperson or even the families of responders. Hosts Jamie Davis, the Podmedic and Sam Bradley got together for this episode and addressed the particular points of Jake’s questions.

Most of the resources discussed in the show can be found at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) site Ready.gov. This site is chock full of disaster preparedness information from how to assemble a disaster preparedness kit to steps to take in planning a family’s response to a disaster of various types.

We also talked about getting additional first aid or similar training. One option you can seek out is to become CERT training. This is the Community Emergency Response Team.