Disaster Podcast

Disaster Podcast

Deployment to Disaster and the Difficult Return to Society

February 19, 2015

This week on the Disaster Podcast we pick up with part 2 of the episode segment started last week. Disaster Podcast hosts Jamie Davis, the Podmedic and Sam Bradley are joined again by regular guest Dr. Joe Holley and special guest Katie Amatruda, Psy.D., LMFT, CST-T, BCETS. Katie is a disaster psychology and counseling specialist who is a member of the same California DMAT (Disaster Medical Aid Team) as Sam Bradley. She comes on the show to talk about the psychological factors to consider when deploying and returning from deployment to a disaster situation.

We pick up with a discussion this week on how people on deployment to difficult situations return to their previous “normal†lives. The reintegration back into society and family after deployment, whether to a disaster site or even military service, can be difficult. Katie shares her thoughts and experiences with the Disaster Podcast team on how to manage this difficult process and even more importantly how to prepare for it before deployment.

Visit Katie’s site for continuing education at PsychCEU.com.