Disaster Podcast

Disaster Podcast

USAR Teams and Rescue Applications to Disasters Now and Then

December 31, 2014

Author Kurt Kamm the Disaster Podcast again this week as a special guest. Over the last two weeks we talked about Kurt’s books and about his new book Tunnel Visions that weaves a true story of a tunnel disaster in Los Angeles with a modern theme of the dangers of terrorism and man-made disasters. This week on the show, host Sam Bradley is joined by Dr. Joe Holley from Paragon Medical Education Group and Tennessee Task Force One Urban Search And Rescue (USAR) team member and medical director. They talk about how USAR teams have changed over the years since the LA Water Tunnel Disaster rescue teams back in the 1970’s.

Kurt’s Background and Author Bio

Imagine being at the edge of a wildfire, knowing that your home, your neighborhood, and everything familiar is about to go up in flames.

As a resident of Southern California, Kurt Kamm was used to the idea of wildfires. Then, in 2006, one of the infamous Malibu wildland fires, the 60 mile-per-hour Santa Ana wind-driven Canyon Fire, burned to Kamm’s front door and destroyed the homes of several of his neighbors. Kurt had just begun his writing career and the lessons he learned from the County Fire Department while writing his first book helped him save his home.