Disaster Podcast

Disaster Podcast

Looking at the Napa Earthquake from the Inside with Sam Bradley (Part 1 of 2)

September 04, 2014

This week on the show we chat with co-host Sam Bradley about details surrounding the response to the Napa Earthquake that occurred 30 miles north of her location. Sam was joined by host Jamie Davis, the Podmedic and Joe Holley from Paragon Medical Education Group.

This is part one of a two part episode on the Napa quake. In this segment the team talks about the initial findings after the quake, which measured 6.0 on the Richter Scale. Sam detailed some of the responses from local systems and responders. They also talked about the risks to infrastructure such as highway overpasses after the quake and the following aftershocks still affecting the area.

Injuries were recorded to about 200 people, most of them relatively minor. The timing of the quake in the early morning hours actually resulted in fewer injuries since there weren’t many people on the sidewalks to be struck by falling masonry. Join us next week as we continue this story looking at the historical impacts of earthquakes in the U.S.