Disaster Podcast

Disaster Podcast

Disaster Preparedness While Traveling for Responders

May 30, 2014

In this episode of the Disaster Podcast, host Jamie Davis, the Podmedic and co-host Sam Bradley are joined by Dr. Joe Holley from the Paragon Medical Education Group. We chat about Jamie’s recent experience while visiting Denver for a conference. There were two consecutive days with tornado warnings that affected the attendees at the conference, in one case, evacuating the exhibit hall to the lower levels of the Colorado Convention Center.

What is it like to be a responder and traveling during an impending disaster? Many will remember the EMS Expo attendees that were trapped in New Orleans during the landfall of Hurricane Katrina. Sam Bradley related her experience of 6 of those trapped responders protecting patrons in their hotel and later helping two elderly ladies leave town safely until they could reach help on the outskirts of the storm areas.