The Chadderbox Podcast - Conservative talk with a sense of humor.

The Chadderbox Podcast - Conservative talk with a sense of humor.

Latest Episodes

The Chadderbox Episode 97
January 16, 2015

This week we discuss a lot on Islamic extremists.  Oh wait... WE'RE THE EXTREMISTS! Chad talks about his Irish boyfriends he drinks pineapples with. Bad news for Oregon,  An Islamic video that is scary. We play part of 'I'm an a**hole' song. And Chad ha

The Chadderbox Episode 96
January 08, 2015

This week…we lick NOTHING! We discuss our new years, snow, sledding in Southern California and cities that are banning sledding! Oh goodie! Chad’s favorite video of 2014, welfare lady with15 kids and blaming the system. A mall banning kids who are not

The Chadderbox Episode 95
January 02, 2015

This week Chad's not happy with technical difficulties, Bryan let's us know abou his Texas trip and moving there. Chad has another drunken weekend, new listener email and I don't think it went well. Hpefully he still listens. Oprah Winfrey is a rasicist,

The Chadderbox Episode 94
December 16, 2014

The tides are turned when a straight man asks a gay baker to make him a cake, Bush knew about the torture, but who didn't and quite frankly who cares. They are terroists but the Democrats want us to apologize to them, We take a call from one of the carpoo

The Chadderbox Episode 93
December 11, 2014

This week we discuss Torture in Gitmo. Listener Nancy calls in from Oregon,  We touch on NY choking. Bill O’Reilly facts about black crime rates. NBA with their “I can’t breathe” shirts. Listener emails. Chat room discussions.

The Chadderbox Episode 92
December 03, 2014

the Hypocrisy of Planned Parenthood and their Twitter Feed, Louis Farrakhan wants to burn the country down, Our take on the St. Louis Rams and their hands up protest along with Congressmen doing the same thing, we take a phone call from another podcaster

The Chadderbox Episode 91
November 27, 2014

Michal Medved is a retard!! Seriously, Chad & Bryan are back from rioting tonight and we discuss. Chad is a Medium and we talk to the dead, our take on the Presidents speech about his amnesty plan, California is allowing illegals to get drivers liscen

The Chadderbox Episode 90
November 21, 2014

Obama Gives the best argument NOT to give amnesty by executive order, in his own words! Why are the networks not carrying his speech. Bill Cosby, is what heppening to him right? And his Spanish fly! Chicago school…you will not believe what they ar

The Chadderbox Episode 89
November 14, 2014

We go LIVE!! That's right with a chat room. The chat room distracted us a bit this episode. New toy. Apologies in advance. Bryan actually went to see Chad's band this ast weekend, One of the writers of Obama Care tells students the American Voting public

The Chadderbox Episode 88
November 07, 2014

Michael Medved is and idiot. Chad called into his show on Wednesday and Michael didn't like me. Chad get's a little tipsy tonight. We have listener emails, Chad tell about his night in Vegas, What do the elections mean, I think we have a new sponsor and s