The Bee's Knees

The Bee's Knees

Recovery After MUA (An Interview with Jeff Holman)

November 29, 2019

Quick Summary
At 60 years old Jeff was ready for a knee replacement. He had waited 40 years since the somewhat primitive ACL work that was done when he was in college. Technically the surgery was fine. But scar tissue made quick work of his recovery, and he required an MUA. He discusses his recovery after MUA here.

One Highlight
I can walk with a normal gait, I don't run yet and I'm not that concerned about running. It's never been the exercise that I use for fitness, biking is the most important one. And I literally have the seat on my bike down lower than when before I went in for surgery.

Favorite Quote
"The testimonials about X10: I think that an important part of the learning process is these are real people and I'm a real person. And if you are having a struggle with your recovery after a knee replacement surgery, this is a real-world device that works. That's important to know."

Is this for you?
Listen to the podcast or read the text below if you are considering knee replacement and want to make sure you have learned about the latest recovery technology. The audio interview provides a very detailed explanation from a patient's perspective, about how working with the X10 can solve a challenging knee recovery.

Recovery After MUA
An interview with Jeff Holman by Mary Elliott

Jeff Holman had a total knee replacement surgery. And then two months later he needed to have a Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA). What follows is an interview with Jeff conducted by Mary Elliott from X10 Therapy.

What is your knee history?
I had a knee injury in the ninth grade, back when the dinosaurs walked on the earth. They put me in a cast for about six weeks. And then just put me back out in the world.
A few years later I had a fairly substantial knee injury in college. It was a full ACL tear and they just kind of put it back together and then cast it. It was always pretty loose from that point going forward. I was pretty athletic and played a lot of sports. It would, what I call “go out.” and when it would go out it, it would swell up. It was finally when I was skiing in the winter in college that it really went out. And at that point they said, ‘yeah, we need to do surgery’. So, from ninth grade until I think it was my freshman year in college. I just kind of dealt with it being pretty loose.

Ligament Transfer Surgery
The surgery was very antiquated. It was what they call a ligament transfer. It wasn't really an ACL reconstruction. They took the ligament on the side that was so stretched out and just kind of flipped it. I had very long scars on both sides of my knee. It was a little before arthroscopic surgery and all the things they can do these days.
And so, it worked. It just had gotten very sore over the years, to a point where it was bone-on-bone and there was just nothing left there. It was sort of ‘replacement or nothing’. And I kept hearing, ‘well, you're too young, you're too young’. And my wife and I talked it over and said, ‘well, when are we going to be the right age?’ Because I want to do all sorts of things when I'm 60, not when I'm, in my seventies. So anyway, the surgeon agreed.
For me it had been 40 years with an injured knee prior to the replacement.