The Authors Show

The Authors Show

Cat Soup, by author Luthie M. West

July 23, 2019

In the kingdom of Bandon, the princess loses her beloved cat! One day the cat gets trapped in a travelling tinker’s cart and without knowing it, many miles away, the frightened cat jumps out and runs away. __The princess’s father, the king, will give half his kingdom to the one who finds the cat. Afar off, the King of Hod sends his son, Gael, out to find the cat, but he is delayed when he finds a cottage in the woods where a pot of soup is boiling. Gael eats it and falls asleep only to be awakened by an ogre. The ogre threatens to kill him, but Gael promises to give the ogre half a kingdom if he will take the prince back to the kingdom of Hod. After many misadventures with the ogre, a cat is found. Is it the right cat? Does the ogre get half the kingdom? Does Gael? Or was it all just Cat Soup?