Anabolic Mind

Anabolic Mind

8. Learn How to Get Over "I Got it" with Elayne Fluker

March 29, 2022

In the 8th episode of Anabolic Mind Show, Mark Jenkins interviews someone not afraid to ask for assistance. Life lessons from author/ lifestyle Coach and fitness enthusiast Elayne Fluker.

Elayne grew up in a home where support was generously given but rarely accepted.

So, for as long as she can remember, she’s viewed asking for and accepting support as a sign of weakness, neediness and failure. This ultimately resulted in years of anxiety, depression, and feeling unfulfilled as I struggled to figure things out on her own.

But once she learned how to make empowered asks and accept support, her life transformed! Since then, she’s helped thousands of high-achieving women embrace support as a superpower for success and fulfillment through my podcast, Support is Sexy — which has more than one million downloads; through my book, Get Over ‘I Got It’ (published by HarperCollins Leadership) – selected as a Forbes “Book of the Month;” and through more than 200 workshops I’ve facilitated across the U.S., in Spain, Morocco, South Africa and globally online.

By learning her tools for accessing support, ambitious, high-achieving women learn how to…

  • Shift their perspective, stop struggling and start connecting
  • Embrace a possibility mindset and explore new opportunities
  • Courageously ask for and accept support with confidence and ease

Now, she delivers customized, dynamic workshops for Fortune 500 companies and top organizations to create psychologically safe, supportive cultures where high-achieving women stress less and thrive more!

Connect with Elayne: WebsiteFacebookInstagramTwitterLinkedIn

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