Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion

The Alien Invasion #152 – Hawking Knows Best

July 25, 2015

On The Alien Invasion #152 - $100 million effort to track down an alien civilization launches.   Good Wife Creators bring extraterrestrials to Washington D.C.  A listener submitted   "sightings" segment.  And our entertainment picks.

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The News

Hawking Spearheads New Hunt for Intelligent Aliens ( ( (

Alien Invasion Comic-Thriller Brain Dead Ordered to Series at CBS (


From listener, Abel, of Chicago

“This image was taken by a buddy of mine. It was the second time he saw the craft and got to snap the image. It was hovering over the Medina Golf & Country Club in the suburbs of Chicago.

The fist time he encountered the craft was a few weeks past. Outside his garage door while having a smoke. In total darkness (suburban darkness) he saw the bushes and trees around him light up slowly. No sound whatsoever. Then he felt the heat. That was enough to scare him back indoors. After he told me the story he sent me this image. I wanted to hear more. He wanted to say less.”











The History Of Aliens In Film (video from the Digg YouTube channel) (

Zero Hour (radio episode - story by Ray Bradbury)

Part 1 - (

Part 2 (