Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion

The Alien Invasion #110 – It’s Not Dogs Peeing

July 13, 2014

( The Alien Invasion #110...We discuss how the galaxy is about to get a little more interesting, in one respect.  Why a land owner in the Czech Republic wants E.T. to pay.  What a former astronaut actually saw in space.  Plus, a look at the egg shaped UFO in the Craft Corner and our picks. You can help Galactic Netcasts become a bigger and better network for original sci-fi, science and "geek culture" content by donating as little as $1 to our Patreon campaign by going to (*  You Are Now Officially Invited to Nominate Names for Exoplanets. (*  Farmer Demands Compensation From Aliens For Crop Circle Damages. (*  Buzz Aldrin Opens Up About ‘UFO’ Encounter, Mars Colony Hopes. ( (* We talk about "egg" shaped UFOs in the "Craft Corner." (* And, our picks;How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe ( ( Science Theater 3000: The Phantom Planet ( more information go to  ( leave us feedback, call our voicemail number (805) 328-3966 or e-mail ( (