The Truett Seminary Podcast
Latest Episodes
Mulenga Chella - It's All Part of the Calling
This week we welcomed Mulenga Chella for our Community Gathering for Worship. Mulenga received the Robert Jackson Robinson Outstanding Student Preacher award for Spring 2016. The title for his sermon is "It's All Part of the Calling"
Taylor Post - The Struggle
This week we welcomed Taylor Post for our Community Gathering for Worship. Taylor received the Robert Jackson Robinson Outstanding Student Preacher award for Spring 2016. The title for her sermon is "The Struggle."
Dr. John B. White - The Play's the Thing: We Play Because God Plays
This week we welcomed Dr. John B. White for our Community Gathering for Worship. Dr. White currently serves as the Harold and Dottie Riley Assistant Professor of Practical Theology and is the Director of the Sports Chaplaincy/Ministry Program at ...
Dr. Rodney Reeves - Boasting in Weakness: A Pauline Model for Ministry
This week we welcomed Dr. Rodney Reeves for the Willson-Addis Endowed Lecture. Dr. Reeves currently serves as Dean of the Courts Redford College of Theology and Ministry at Southwest Baptist University. The title for his lecture is ...
Dr. Preston Clegg - My Lord and My God
This week we welcomed Dr. Preston Clegg for our Community Gathering for Worship. Dr. Clegg currently serves as the Pastor of Second Baptist Church in Little Rock, AR. The title for his sermon is "My Lord and My God."
Dr. Dennis and Cindy Wiles - Real Life and Real Ministry
This week we welcomed Dr. Dennis and Cindy Wiles for our Community Gathering for Worship. Cindy currently serves as Executive Director of Restore Hope and Dennis serves as pastor of First Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas.
Dr. Hulitt Gloer - Take Up the Towel
This week we welcomed Dr. Hulitt Gloer for our Community Gathering for Worship. Dr. Gloer currently serves as the David E. Garland Professor of Preaching & Christian Scriptures and is the Director of the Kyle Lake Center for Effective ...
Rev. Dr. Melvin Von Wade - Living with a Limp
This week we welcomed Rev. Dr. Melvin Von Wade for the E.K. Bailey Preaching Event. Dr. Wade currently serves as pastor of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church in Los Angeles. The title for his sermon is "Living with a Limp."
Dr. George Mason - What to Preach?
This week we welcomed Dr. George Mason for our Community Gathering for Worship. Dr. Mason currently serves as senior pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas. The title for his sermon is "What to Preach?."
Dr. Alan Jacobs - Literature and the Good News: God is More than a Story
This week we welcomed Dr. Alan Jacobs for the W.C. Dobbs Endowed Lecture. Dr. Jacobs currently serves as Distinguished Professor of Humanities in the Honors Program at Baylor University. The title for his lecture is "Literature and the ...