The Swan Song Podcast

The Swan Song Podcast

Episode 5 - Chicken P*ssy Marsala w/Doug Brady

November 06, 2018

To Whomever It May Concern:


Apparently our complaints and public protests are falling on deaf ears. These 3 deviants not only put out another podcast, but they have managed to include an even greater force of pure sewage spewing humanity, Doug Brady. He’s a real piece of work who makes the other three boys seem like perfect gentlemen in comparison. Thick vile filth runs through his veins. They go over the line talking about choir sex, what is “too young”, and end by playing a game involving animal sex organs which they know way too much about. Worst of all, Luke proudly talks of being in an all Asian step group. Good god! It has to stop”.

Think of the children.


- A Concerned Listener