The Seed

The Seed

Romans 2v1-11

January 16, 2022

Last week we looked at how Paul describes those who live immoral lifestyles and those who approve of them. However, not everyone who discards knowledge of God live that way. Many unbelievers are moral, caring people. Who do good works, live honest lives and to all outward appearances are no different to those who are of Christ.

This week we look at what Paul’s switch from shameless immorality to pious moralism. Are the moral lives enough to escape the day of judgement? Paul makes no bones about it, a pious, moral, judgemental person is in as much jeopardy as the most hedonistic sinner.

Join us as Julian tries to unpick Romans 2v1-11 this morning.


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The Seed Christian Fellowship is a small Christian Church in Somerset UK