The RawBeautySource AudioBlog: Health, Beauty & Nutrition

The RawBeautySource AudioBlog: Health, Beauty & Nutrition

What Types of Fats Should You Avoid?

February 14, 2021

This audio article is based on an article, reviewed by Claudia Hleap MS, RD, LDN

What exactly are saturated and trans fats, and why are they unhealthy? Which foods are rich in these? How much of them can you consume? How to offset the negative health effects of those fats?

This audio article will guide you through the answers of all of those questions!

What should you know about saturated fats?

What foods are high in saturated fat?

Why are saturated fats bad for you?

What should you know about trans fats?

What foods are high in trans fat?

Why are trans fats unhealthy?

How much trans fat should you eat?

How to eat more healthy fats?

You can read the full article at:

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