The Nice Guys on Business

The Nice Guys on Business

Latest Episodes

1134 D&S Think They're Siskel and Ebert
November 20, 2020

Doug & Strickland

1133 Dr. John Bartemus: Natural, Drug-Free Medicine
November 18, 2020

Dr. John Bartemus is a Chiropractic Physician with more than 10 years in the healthcare field. He is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner who is devoted to finding the unique cause of each individual patient’s health issue and correcting it...

1132 Dirk Izzo: What Does Contactless Commerce Looks Like?
November 16, 2020

Remember the good old days, bellying up to the bar for a bite or going out with your family and sitting down, and enjoying a family meal at your favorite restaurant? Today’s environment makes it pretty challenging to go out and enjoy yourself...

1131 D&S: Doug is 2 Degrees From the President?
November 13, 2020

Doug & Strickland

1130 Tamara Dorris: Time to Get Your World Rocked!
November 09, 2020

Nice Guys community -- today east meets west -- our guest Tamara Dorris has successfully walked that line for years. She is the author of 21 books, a college and university professor, professional presenter, intuitive guide, and a women’s...

1129 D&S: The No Politics Zone
November 06, 2020

Weeeeeeeell, not exactly NO politics, but they do get off of them pretty quick. C'mon what do you expect, it's 2 days after our Presidential election and we still have no idea who the fuck our next president is going to be, of course they're going to...

1128 Kip Tindell: Share Holder vs Stake Holder
November 02, 2020

Kip Tindell is Co-Founder of The Container Store — he  is the author of  UNCONTAINABLE: How Passion, Commitment, and Conscious Capitalism Built a Business Where Everyone Thrives and he is featured in the documentary Fishing with Dynamite...

1127 D&S: Are They Done YET???
October 30, 2020

Doug & Strickland

1126 Dr. Gena Lester: Helping College Applicants Find Their Unique Voice
October 26, 2020

Dr. Gena Lester is a speaker and college admissions expert with over 25 years of experience. She’s also a Mom, who helped her three children secure college scholarship offers totaling over $1.5 million combined.  She developed...

1125: D&S talk Politics? Craaaaaaaaaaap
October 23, 2020

Yes, these assholes watched the presidential debate tonight so they talk politics even longer than they usually do but I can save you from all that if you want. Jarod's voice mails start at 33:30 and they never go back to politics after that, so if...