The New Maritime History
Latest Episodes
Seafaring Squatters, Caribbean Commons, and Empire Building, 1630–1780
Michael Jarvis’s presentation was part of a panel offering a new perspective on pirates and piracy during the Huntington Conference “The New Maritime History: A Conference in Honor of Robert C. Ritchie,” held at the Huntington Library in November 20
Pirates and Family Life, 1680–1730
Margarette Lincoln discusses the nature of pirates and family life in a panel offering a new perspective on pirates and piracy. The talk was part of the Huntington Conference “The New Maritime History: A Conference in Honor of Robert C. Ritchie,” held
Welcoming Remarks to “The New Maritime History”
Steve Hindle and Peter C. Mancall welcome participants and attendees to the “The New Maritime History: A Conference in Honor of Robert C. Ritchie,” held at the Huntington Library in November 2011. Hindle is the W. M. Keck Foundation Director of Resear