the nantucket project

Latest Episodes
rp daily: our big f#cking dilemma with Tristan Harris
Tristan Harris, star of The Social Dilemma (#1 on Netflix), joins us for a conversation that goes much deeper into social media's evils and what each of us can do about it. Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify Subscribe: episode updates
rp daily: are you looking for clear, factual, no b.s. answers on covid?
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify Subscribe: episode updates are you looking for clear, factual, no b.s. answers on covid? disinformation about covid-19 can spread just as rapidly as the virus itself.
rp daily: never ending covid
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify Subscribe: episode updates never ending covid. the nation is in a resurgence of covid-19 cases. the virus is being passed in bars, through shopping, parties, and an infinite list of places and events where peop...
rp daily: a check on vaccine
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify Subscribe: episode updates a check on vaccine. today, tom and rp discuss the current state of covid-19; as states begin to reopen at different rates, discrepancies in the severity of the pandemic are more and m...
rp daily: independence day
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify Subscribe: episode updates independence day. this independence day is like no other, as is the state of the nation: covid-19 numbers are spiking, widespread protests against racism continue,
rp daily: in mask we trust
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify Subscribe: episode updates in mask we trust. following up to friday’s episode with police chief william bratton, tom and rp discuss leadership in police departments. going further into the episode,
rp daily: re-imagine the police
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify Subscribe: episode updates re-imagine the police. tom and rp sit down to discuss the state of policing in america with police chief william bratton. amid mounting encouragement to reform policing in america,
rp daily: president chaos
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify Subscribe: episode updates president chaos. tom speaks about an upcoming trip down the mississippi. stopping in nine locations on the river, the trip’s mission is to gather people where they are and encourage c...
rp daily: covid is back
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify Subscribe: episode updates covid is back. with covid-19 case numbers suddenly surging to coincide with the reopening of the nation and hesitant returns to normalcy,
rp daily: are you willing to listen to what makes you uncomfortable?
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify Subscribe: episode updates are you willing to listen to what makes you uncomfortable? join tom and rp’s conversation with dr. christine crawford to learn more about covid and her personal insights regarding how...