The Millionaire School Podcast

The Millionaire School Podcast

Latest Episodes

010 Lessons I’ve learnt from Dr John Demartini
February 11, 2016

   Dr John Demartini is a world leading inspirational speaker and author in the personal and professional development area. He has been a mentor for me in many ways and I had the privilege of interviewing him one on one for my Millionaire School millio...

009 Successful v’s Unsuccessful People
November 13, 2015

This podcast is a summary of an infographic that I have seen repeatedly circulating on social media lately. Its a great list of the different actions that people take and reflect the main difference between successful people and those that are not achi...

008 Do Successful People Feel Fear?
November 04, 2015

  I love this quote by Jack Canfield, author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Everything you want is on the other side of fear. I could not agree more with this quote. I have a quote of my own that says,

007 Interview with Fiona Jones by Inspire Talk on Becoming a Published Author
October 21, 2015

In this podcast episode the tables are turned as Fiona is interviewed on InspireTalk by Federico Re and Stuart Harris. The topic of conversation is the inspiration for the Millionaire Books and how anyone can share their message and become a published ...

006 If I had a Million Dollars I would be Happy
October 08, 2015

You have to choose happiness- Happiness is a HABIT and not something that comes to you once you make a Million dollars. So which one comes first success or happiness? How many times have you heard anyone, or perhaps even yourself say,

005 Millionaire Mindset- The Most Powerful 5 Minutes of Your Day!
October 04, 2015

Why are some people successful yet others seem to fail?  Why do some heal from an incurable disease and others don't? You may know what to do to achieve what you want- but you seem to be procrastinating, or you feel resistance.

004 Make Millions From Your Message
September 18, 2015

You are here to share your unique story

003 Lessons I’ve learnt from Dr Wayne Dyer
September 09, 2015

My Millionaire Mentor Dr Wayne Dyer

001 Where I Got The Millionaire Idea
September 08, 2015

How to get started as a published author

002 What is Success to You?
September 07, 2015

Is Success all about money?