The Legendary Marriage Podcast

The Legendary Marriage Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 072: How Starting a Business Catalyzed Our Communication | Jessica Rodriguez
April 15, 2018

Communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship, and starting your own business comes with all sorts of challenges, one of the biggest being getting your spouse on board. Stepping out of the security that comes from a predictable salary,

Episode 071: Helping Military Families Thrive | Tommy and Jackie Watson
April 08, 2018

Can you imagine spending months, sometimes years living thousands of miles apart from your spouse? Your kids? Throw in the kind of danger we only see in the movies, and that’s the reality of many military couples.

Episode 070: Getting Your Kids To Go To Bed | Amelia Bowler
April 01, 2018

If you have kids, and bedtime is a parenting nightmare, then our conversation this week with Amelia Bowler – The Behaviors Godmother, is going to be an answer to your prayers. Listen in as Amelia gives us the step by step process to create the kind of ...

Episode 069: Getting Healthy Together | Mark and Daniela
March 25, 2018

Poor health can really take it’s toll on your marriage. Even when all signs point to your relationship ending up in divorce court, little changes, leading to big changes can make all the difference.  Overhauling your personal health can not only fix yo...

Episode 068: Finding Your Way Together | Gabe & Sherry Avila
March 18, 2018

Getting married means leaving your family of origin, and cleaving to your spouse in a way that is often challenging for everyone involved, but never the less, it’s a journey that must be taken if a couple is to survive, and thrive in marriage.

Episode 067: Back to Basics | Scott Kedersha
March 11, 2018

Summary: It’s time to get back to basics! What did you need to know when you first got married?  At the time, we knew we have love and that was all that mattered.  Looking back, it would have been helpful to know some of the basic foundational elements...

Episode 066: Blessed are the Unsatisfied | Amy Simpson
March 04, 2018

Summary: We know that our material comforts and temporal accomplishments are not enough to fully satisfy us. In her new book, “Blessed are the Unsatisfied,’ author Amy Simpson explores the idea that being unsatisfied isn’t a bad thing.

Episode 065: Healing Sexual Trauma | Chris Bruno, LPC
February 25, 2018

Summary: 1 out of every 4 women, and 1 in 6 men have experienced some kind of sexual abuse, and the fact is everyone has some kind of sexual trauma in their past.  This week’s guest, Chris Bruno, LPC dives deep with us into this topic to help uncover t...

Episode 064: Demystifying Kink & BDSM | Veronica Yanhs
February 18, 2018

Summary: There is more to sex than what we learned in school, and that’s where kink & BDSM come in. If you’ve ever felt like your sex life needs a bit more spice, but it’s too scary or embarrassing to talk about, then this episode is for you!

Episode 063: Discover Your Erotic Blueprint | Suzan Acker, CPCC
February 11, 2018

Summary: If you’ve ever felt like your sex life is a bit dull, but you don’t know how to start a conversation with your spouse that doesn’t end in defensiveness, resentment and a night sleeping on the sofa, then you will love this week’s show!