The History of Yugoslavia
Latest Episodes
Episode 52 - The Greater War Part II: Occupation and Partition
After the rapid conquest of Yugoslavia by the Wehrmacht and its allies, the Axis powers set about carving the country up between themselves. (credit for the map to ) Theme Music by Damiano Baldo
Episode 51 - The Greater War Part 1: Invasion
Sorry I've been gone for so long, but I'm back! Today, we see World War II in Yugoslavia finally begin, as the Nazis invade. Theme Music by Damiano Baldoni, licensed under
Just to let you all know I am still alive, and yes, I will be getting back to the podcast! Also, sorry about the bad acoustics, I'm currently in a different apartment.
Episode 50 - Ask Me Anything
Sorry for the long delay between episodes! Theme Music by Damiano Baldoni, licensed under
Episode 49.5 - An Interview with Stevan Bozanich
In today's episode, I chat with Chetniks expert Stevan Bozanich about the history of the famous/infamous Serb nationalist paramilitary movement. Stevan's and profiles Episode 50 will be the AMA ep
Episode 49 - Coup and War
Between 1939 and 1941, Yugoslavia tried to stay out of the war engulfing Europe. They failed. Episode 50 will be the AMA episode - please send me your questions! Theme Music by Damiano Baldoni, li
Episode 48 - Sporazum
In 1939, the long-desired solution to the Croatian Question finally seemed to be at hand. Just hope there aren't any World Wars coming which might wreck it. Theme Music by Damiano Baldoni, license
Episode 47 - War on the Horizon Again
In October 1934, Prince Paul took over the Kingdom of Yugoslavia at its lowest point, meaning the only way was up. Right? Theme Music by Damiano Baldoni, licensed under
Episode 46 - Assassination Round 3: Regicide
In October 1934, King Alexander decided to make a state visit to France, Yugoslavia's closest ally. He would not come back alive. Theme Music by Damiano Baldoni, licensed under
Episode 45 - The Dictatorship Struggles On
In late 1931, King Alexander decided to relax his dictatorial rule a little. Theme Music by Damiano Baldoni, licensed under