The Environment Show
Latest Episodes
What Aboriginal people can teach us about connecting with nature
Aboriginal people have a profound connection to nature – the land as they often call it. In Aboriginal cultures around the world it’s an affinity, an understanding and a wisdom that’s been passed from generation to generation. In Austral
Richard Louv on ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’ (video playlist)
American author Richard Louv has played a leading role in highlighting the growing disconnection between people and nature. This video series pulls together useful interviews and talks with Richard. He explains ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’, why
Why we need to get kids into nature (quotable quotes from Richard Louv)
In his book ‘Last Child in the Woods’, Richard Louv coined the term ‘nature deficit disorder’ to highlight the growing disconnection between kids and nature. Now in his most recent book ‘The Nature Principle’ he says &#
Environmental movie trailers: our must-see collection
Here’s a visual treat for you. Over 100 trailers for environmental movies. There’s enough here to get you think more deeply about what’s happening on the planet. To see a list of them, check out ‘100 best environmental films of 
The 100 best environmental movies of all time
Up until now, it’s been hard to track down the best environmental movies. Sure, there’s the odd ‘top 10’ list here and there. Those lists tend to be somewhat random with their choices. In this list, you’ll find a comprehensive … Co
Is Global Warming Speeding Up?
New figures released by NASA have stunned the world’s climate scientists. The average global temperature for February this year has smashed the previous record. A record set only the month before. This comes on the back of the warmest year … C
Why we need a “fundamental shift” to a sustainable economy (and the role of creativity to get there)
Last year I heard a speech by Professor Jeff Sachs which crystalised a lot of things for me. (Sachs is a Special Advisor to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University.) I’m giving a … Continue r
Dig baby dig! (And grow baby grow!)
With all this gloom and doom around, here’s something positive you can do. It’ll not only be good for your weekly budget, but all also make you happier. And surprise, in a very small way, also be good for the … Continue reading →
Earth Hour: is it a waste of time?
Earth Hour is on again – tonight 28th March at 8.30pm. The event asks people and businesses to turn off lights and appliances for one hour. It ran for the first time in Sydney only a few years ago. Since … Continue reading →
What’s The Deal With Emissions Trading?
Just at the time Australia is launching into an emissions trading scheme, the EU one appears to be faltering. Eek. In this post we’ve collected links to articles and videos on the European scheme and the political stoush that’s happening ̷