The Better Man The Better You
Latest Episodes
010 Your Focused Energy
Your focused energy is a discussion of how we use our energy and why it’s important to take a couple steps back to see if we are heading in the right direction. This podcast is meant to help you think about your life. If you would like to ask Dave a ques.
009 The Appealing Characteristics in a Man
Dave gets help from a group of volunteers serving at an orphanage in Mexico. They answer a question from one of our listeners on the important character traits of a man. We hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe. If you enjoy this podcast pleas.
008 Conform Or Else
In this episode, Dave continues on his talk about fighting and tension. If you would like to ask Dave a question email him at If it is appropriate, he will answer your question on a podcast. You can also visit our website at .
007 I'm Not Your Stepping Stone
In this episode, Dave talks about fighting and tension. If you would like to ask Dave a question email him at If it is appropriate, he will answer your question on a podcast. You can also visit our website at http://undergrou.
006 Fatherhood Part 2
The 6th podcast from Dave on becoming The Better Man The Better You. This is the second episode on a two part series on the topic of Fatherhood. Dave is tag teaming again with his friend Dustin in tackling the subject of fatherhood. If you have any qu.
005 Fatherhood Part 1
The 5th podcast from Dave on becoming The Better Man The Better You. This is the first episode in a two part series on the topic of Fatherhood. In this podcast, Dave is tag teaming with his friend Dustin in tackling the subject of fatherhood. If you ha.
004 Masculinity and You
This is Dave's 4th podcast on becoming The Better Man The Better You. He talks about masculinity and our views of what being masculine is in today's day and age. If you have any questions or comments please email us at or visit.
003 Truth and Self Esteem
Dave talks about the importance of having a true assessment of yourself, especially in regards to your self esteem. If you have any questions or comments you can email Dave at You can also visit the website at http://undergroun.
002 Are You Your Best You? Well, Let's Get Started.
Dave talks about a couple tangible strategies in getting started in becoming the better you. First he talks about relying on your family and friends. Then he takes you through a self assessment. If you have any questions for Dave you can email him at .
001 The Better Man The Better You
This is the first podcast episode of The Better Man The Better You. Dave, from Underground Cargo talks about why it is important for men to live life, striving to be the better man. If you like what you hear please subscribe. Also, if you would like to .