...creating YOUR 7 Big Questions to get YOUR answers that YOU NEED to create the life YOU want.

...creating YOUR 7 Big Questions to get YOUR answers that YOU NEED to create the life YOU want.

Latest Episodes

Are you committing suicide?
February 13, 2013

Unfortunately, we all have to meet our maker one day. The question is, are you on the fast track?

Life is hard! Toughen up Princess!
February 12, 2013

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to achieve some things? Do you ever wonder why? Wonder no more!

What are your risks?
February 12, 2013

We take them every day, and they influence our decisions, but we don't think about them much. Maybe we should!

Are they who you want to be?
February 09, 2013

You have a number of circles of influence in your life. Have you ever thought about them? I mean, really thought about them?

Time for a kick start
February 06, 2013

Every now and then we need a kick up the butt, a gentle shove in the back, a prod with a stick before we make change in our life. This is it!

Which one are you?
February 02, 2013

There are two kinds of people in the world. One lot get things done, they are achieving, and the other lot are sitting by watching it happen. Which is which and which one are you?

Your turning point
January 29, 2013

Every person has a moment caused by a realisation, a conversation, an incident, where a choice is made. When is yours?

Are you growing or are you dying?
January 26, 2013

In life, nothing is static. Everything is either becoming bigger and growing or it's becoming smaller and dying. Which are you and what can you do about it?

Where are you now?
January 22, 2013

Every journey has three things. A beginning, a destination and the journey itself. For your journey, we need a start point. This is where we figure it out.

The three worst tools you can have
January 20, 2013

In a recent podcast I gave you the best tool you can have. It made a massive difference with me getting control of my life. Conversely there are three tools you don't want to have.