The 22Tango Show

The 22Tango Show

The Number One Piece of Information You Must Have To Make Any Important Relationship Decision

March 11, 2021

Are you in a crash-and-burn relationship? Full of passion one time and the next, you feel like they were going to destroy your life. Do you find yourself stuck in this loop, that no matter how many times you've dusted yourself off of it and rebuilt your life, you still find yourself in it? Maybe it's time to reassess your relationship decisions and identify where it goes wrong. In this episode, Linda Sutton reveals the number one piece of information you absolutely must have before you make any relationship decisions. She guides you to see your blind spot when it comes to relationships, not only the intimate kind but also in your professional life. Follow along on today's discussion as Linda helps you find the kind of relationship that will help you grow and flourish.