The Gospel Project for Adults Weekly Leader Training

The Gospel Project for Adults Weekly Leader Training

Latest Episodes

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 23, Session 3: Jesus Teaches About Prayer
July 14, 2020

When we read the way Jesus teaches about prayer in this passage, we might be tempted to picture God a bit like a magical genie. All we have to do is ask, and we’ll be given whatever we want, right? Whatever door we knock on, God will open it,

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 23, Session 2: Jesus Teaches About the Cost of Discipleship
July 07, 2020

Jesus is not a salesman trying to make a commission, nor is He a modern-day influencer trying to garner as many followers as possible. Actually, in the passages covered in this week’s session, Jesus seems to be almost trying to deter new followers,

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 23, Session 1: Jesus Teaches About Discipleship
June 30, 2020

So often those who knew Jesus missed the fact that He was the Messiah because He did not come to earth in the way that they had envisioned. While they expected Him to throw off the yoke of their Greco-Roman society, He was crucified under its reign.

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 22, Session 4: Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
June 23, 2020

Jesus’ answer to the disciples’ question about the man who was blind wasn’t what they expected. They asked Him for a cause, but Jesus responded in terms of purpose—this man had been blind all of his life so that the works of God would be displayed in h...

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 22, Session 3: Jesus Heals a Man at Bethesda
June 16, 2020

Jesus approached the disabled man and asked a curious question: Do you want to get well? The answer seems obvious—of course, he wanted to get well! Why else would he be lying there at the side of a pool that offered the hope of healing?

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 22, Session 2: Jesus Heals a Woman and Raises a Girl
June 09, 2020

Life isn’t easy. Things happen. Look at Jairus and the woman who suffered from bleeding. Mark 5:22 says Jairus was a synagogue leader. He was a community leader. Everyone knew him. He was well off. Then his daughter got sick. And as time went on,

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 22, Session 1: Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers
June 02, 2020

Every Christian has received God’s merciful compassion (Luke 1:78), and Paul says God is rich in mercy (Eph. 2:4). God isn’t stingy. He doesn’t ration His mercy to save enough for a rainy day. No, God is pouring out His mercy on us even now.

“Jesus the Messiah”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 21, Session 4: Jesus Teaches About Living Water
May 26, 2020

It has been said that everyone is wired to worship—the issue is that we often worship the wrong things. We see this desire in the woman’s question to Jesus.  The Samaritans worshiped in Samaria rather than traveling to Jerusalem. This was, in part,

“Jesus the Messiah”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 21, Session 3: Jesus Teaches About New Birth
May 19, 2020

For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

“Jesus the Messiah”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 21, Session 2: Jesus Reveals His Mission
May 12, 2020

It’s called “the mic drop.” The phrase refers to when a speaker makes such a strong and compelling statement that it requires a prolonged pause or stage exit for full effect. Dropping the mic, whether physically or figuratively,