The Gospel Project for Adults Weekly Leader Training

The Gospel Project for Adults Weekly Leader Training

Latest Episodes

“Jesus the Savior”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 25, Session 4: Jesus Raises Lazarus
September 22, 2020

The Lord specializes in “hopeless” causes. When Jesus got to Lazarus’ grave, there was already a stench. The Lord, it seemed, was four days late. Lazarus was dead. He was deader than dead. In the hands of anyone else,

“Jesus the Savior”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 25, Session 3: Jesus Teaches Difficult Truths
September 15, 2020

One oddly encouraging thing about the Gospels is seeing just how confused Jesus’ disciples were. When Jesus was being literal, they took Him metaphorically. When He was being metaphorical, they took Him literally.

“Jesus the Savior”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 25, Session 2: Jesus Tells the Parable of the Sons
September 08, 2020

What Jesus proposed in this passage—no, in fact, commanded—is a fundamentally and wholly different way of looking at outsiders and the unsaved than we are accustomed to and inclined toward. Think of the daily outrage about “the culture” featured in eva...

“Jesus the Savior”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 25, Session 1: Jesus Tells the Kingdom Parables
September 01, 2020

As you read this right now, there are cares and worries in your life that can steal your joy in Christ if not submitted to His care. You may not be going through anything especially difficult, anything “big,

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 24, Session 4: Jesus Is Transfigured
August 25, 2020

In the first verse of the transfiguration account that we will consider in this week’s session, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up the mountain so they can see His glory. This must have been a fantastic and yet terrifying scene to behold.

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 24, Session 3: Jesus Walks on Water
August 18, 2020

More often than not, the main point we should take away from a story within the Gospels occurs near the end of Matthew 14, the passage of our study. Such is the case with Jesus’ walking on water. After Jesus rebuked Peter for his lack of faith,

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 24, Session 2: Jesus Feeds a Multitude
August 11, 2020

The passage for our study this week, John 6, contains a nugget regarding Jesus’ deity and His supernatural knowledge: Jesus saw the hungry crowd, and already He knew how He would feed them. Yet Jesus took this opportunity to test Philip with a question...

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 24, Session 1: Jesus Casts Out Demons
August 04, 2020

In His brief conversation with the demon-possessed man in Luke 8, Jesus asked for the demon’s name, perhaps to highlight the complexity of the scenario for His disciples who were with Him. He certainly did not do this as a means to gain power over the ...

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 23, Session 5: Jesus Teaches About the Good Shepherd
July 28, 2020

As we will learn in this session, Jesus in John 10 painted a picture of two voices calling out to sheep: one is the good shepherd and the other is a sheep thief, and they are both calling the sheep to follow them.

“Jesus the Servant”: Weekly Leader Training—Unit 23, Session 4: Jesus Teaches About Treasure
July 21, 2020

In this passage, Jesus reminds us that God is our Father, not an austere miser in the sky waiting to withhold good things from us. We can trust Him to do right by us and by our earthly treasure because He has stored up myriad eternal treasures for us.