The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Episode 104 What If You Were Speaking To God And He Spoke Back? Author John Roedel Can Tell You What It's Like

October 30, 2021

Author John Roedel

It was a late summer Saturday morning. I was listening to Brian Scott’s “Reality Revolution” Podcast. Brian was interviewing a poet. Personally, I don’t know many poets. I’ve written some poems. I like poems, but this poet was different.

This poet was John Roedel, and he was talking about hearing God speak to him. What started at a low point of his life with satirical posts on FaceBook became much more. John started writing posts as though they were intended to be read by God. Ok. So that’s funny enough. But he took it a step further. He started writing what he imagined to be God’s response.

This birthed the idea for his book “Hey God Hey John: What Happens When God Talks Back” Before John knew it, God was speaking all the time. This led to a beautiful collection of poems. This was a deep, sweet and one of my favorite episodes to date.

Hey God. Hey John.

Hey God. Hey John.

John Roedel is the writer of the popular Facebook conversations (now a book) entitled “Hey God. Hey John.” where he sits down with the Divine to sort out the world, his mental health, why he shouldn’t wear skinny jeans and how to believe in the unseen in our modern world. 

The “Hey God. Hey John.” book can be found here. on Amazon.

It can also be purchased from Barnes and Nobles.

The “Hey God. Hey John.” Facebook Page can be found here.