The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Episode 99-Faith, Investing, China and More With Vip Vipperman, Director of Partnerships at Faith Driven Investor

October 05, 2021

About Vip:

Besides having a really cool name, Vip Vipperman is a cool guy with a great story. This conversation would have fit will within the “Iron Sharpening Iron” series because I definitely came away sharper. Enjoy the conversation!

Vip Vipperman is an investment professional and relationship manager who has developed a global network of entrepreneurs, funds, incubators, accelerators, and family offices to build deal flow and catalyze investments. He hosts pitch competitions, keynote events and training sessions for thousands of investors and entrepreneurs annually, and his teams have raised hundreds of millions of dollars for investment projects. He spent 9 years living in Asia and speaks Mandarin Chinese. He is the co-founder of The Lion’s Den DFW.