The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Simone "NYC Muncher" Hanlen- Running and Eating Her Way Through the Big Apple!

August 31, 2021

Simone Hanlen is a bit of a contradiction. She is an ultra-marathoner, a tennis coach, a fellow Peloton member and a veracious consumer of some of New York’s greatest culinary delights. Because she’s always on the run, you aren’t going to see a picture on Instagram of Simone dining on foie gras at some trendy Manhattan bistro.

Instead you’re most likely going to see her in her running shoes posing with a huge slice of “Momma’s TOO!” Pizza at 2750 Broadway (this is her favorite pizza joint by the way).

As reported many, many, maybe too many times on this program Mrs. Wright and I love New York. While doing a search once I came across @NYCMuncher on Instagram. It was this girl posting amazing food. Not only that, it wasn’t unusual for her to be eating and working out at the same time. I once saw her eating cake with a fork strapped to a barbell.

Since then I have followed Simone through the five burrows of New York learning about some of the coolest little eateries. If you are ever heading to NYC, I highly recommend you checkout her Instagram and start following.

In this episode we discuss daily habits for success, combining passion and work and finding unique ways to standout in the ever-crowded world of social media.

This conversation was every bit as much fun as I had anticipated. I know you, too will enjoy it!