The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Episode 92 "Road Ramblings"

August 27, 2021
The Jason Wright ShowThe Jason Wright Show companion episode

I cannot stand having to be in the car for long periods of time. I don’t like not being able to “produce” something. The thing is, I get some amazing ideas while driving. Often I take audio notes for podcast guest ideas, blog ideas, book ideas, ideas for my consulting clients. However, I still don’t feel this is productive time.

Well, I decided on this particular drive to try and experiment. I wrote about it in The Vitruvian Letter. Well, here it is. This is the first episode of “Road Ramblings.” In this instance I was inspired by James Altucher. I wanted to use this as a way to discover. I wanted to “discover” a new way to use these drives.

In this episode I discuss ways you, too can be a “discoverer” and not just a “Googler.” I hope you enjoy it, and take a way a nugget of wisdom to help you in your endeavor to improve always in ALL ways!