The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Selling, Singing, Recovering and Working Out All Over the World with Brett Ferguson

July 13, 2021
Episode 85 of The Jason Wright Show with Brett Ferguson

So I’m perusing the Instagrams one day looking for health and wellness tips, and I see this guy who looks like he knows what he’s doing. I scroll. I look. I read. This guy has done some cool stuff. I can also see this guy has a story.

During my research I find he is a signer. He’s a competitive CrossFit athlete. It appears he’s been featured in workout videos all over the world. I have to meet this guy. He is definitely someone who is trying to improve always in ALL ways.

Brett Ferguson

I was right. I connect with Brett Ferguson and find an exceptional human being that I’m now glad to call not just a show guest but friend. I think you will enjoy Brett’s transparent story of the ups and downs and all the rest that have made him who he is today.

Brett Ferguson

Brett has 13 years of experience in the Fitness and Health industry. His professional work with clients takes shape in a variety of forms – Life Coaching, Nutrition Coaching, Personal Training and Coaching CrossFit. His personal work includes working with other alcoholics and addicts in his recovery community, which he has also been a part of for 13 years. He currently trains clients at CrossFit South Brooklyn.