The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Episode 70 Tiger Coffman

January 11, 2021
Tiger Coffman

This is a fantastic episode about faith, courage and attitude. I’m so proud to start the 2021 season of the Texas Titans podcast with Tiger Coffman. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did. Happy New Year!

Tiger Coffman-“I was born and raised in Houston. I come from a big family, with 3 brothers and 2 sisters. As a kid, baseball was my number 1 focus. When I was 13 yrs old, my life began to change.I have been in Ministry since I was a Junior in High School when I was elected President of FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) God used that to show me that HE had something better than baseball in store for me. I answered my call to serve HIM full time through ministry in 1992.My passion is to travel and share Jesus to all who will listen. God has blessed me beyond measure in spite of some major medical and personal storms in my life. I love getting to brag on the greatness of God and the weakness of me.I believe it was God who broke my nose in order to fulfill better plans for my life….”

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