The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Book Review “Choose Yourself” – Episode 36

March 03, 2020

Hey folks. This is a different format than the usual Texas Titan Podcast. In this episode I review one of my favorite recent reads, “Choose Yourself” by James Altucher. I want to start doing more book reviews for you, my listening audience. I know who precious your time is, and reading is a major intellectual investment. Therefore, when I come across something truly special I want to let you know about it. This book fits that bill.

James Altucher is a modern day Renaissance man in every sense of the word. He’s wicked smart. He’s funny. He’s made and lost and made again millions of dollars. He decided he wanted to get into stand up comedy so he bought a comedy club. There’s a way to make sure you always get on stage. That’s how James is. He loves to “skip the line” as he calls it. He figures out workarounds in life others don’t even realize are possible.

I hope you enjoy this. If you do get the book, please post a pic on Instagram and Facebook with a picture of the book and tag me and James. Let me know what you think of the book. As you map out your life plan, choose yourself!

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