Testimony: A Musician's Story

Testimony: A Musician's Story

Christon Gray - Part II

April 10, 2014

Because you listened to part one of Christon Gray’s Testimony: A Musician’s Story, now you should have a better understanding of who Christon is. For those of you who are still disappointed that he is not putting out an album showcasing his rapping abilities, he hopes to release a body art 2  that includes rap tracks that didn’t make School of Roses.

For those of you who are still trying to figure out how a Christian can put out an album and not mention the name Jesus, but still call it a Christian album, now is the time to check out those tracks and hear Christon’s explanation about those tracks. By the time the last song hits your ear drums, maybe you too will agree that it is a God inspired album.

Preview the entire album, along with Christon’s commentary on each track during part two of this Rapzilla exclusive, right now. Pre-order School of Roses now on iTunes.