TEG Chat Enhanced

TEG Chat Enhanced

Latest Episodes

TEG Chat Movie Review Special Enhanced
July 26, 2016

This is a special edition of TEG Chat, where we review the movies Ghostbusters and Star Trek: Beyond

TEG Chat Episode 9 Enhanced
July 03, 2016

TEG Chat Episode 9 where we talk about T.echnology, E.ntertainment, and G.aming that has happened in the last week.

TEG Chat Episode 8 Enhanced
February 18, 2016

This episode touches on some technology from View Master, Gear VR, and Toys that are 3d printed. We then jump over to entertainment and talk about Star Wars VIII, some new trailers like sing, and more. Last we touch on some gaming and the lack of news the

TEG Chat Episode 7 Enhanced
February 10, 2016

In this weeks episode we talk a little technology in the Grammy's,Oculus Rift and their PC requirments. We then head over to entertainment where we talk about Disney, Star Wars Episode VII, and Movie Trailers from the Super Bowl. Then we round out with ga

TEG Chat Episode 6 Enhanced
February 04, 2016

Your host Kaine260 interviews DroppyBobinator from our Black Ops III live streams, where we talk T.echnology, E.ntertainment, and G.aming

TEG Chat Episode 5 Enhanced
February 01, 2016

We dive into the new technology from Microsoft, check out the new shows on USA, MTV, and the like, and talk a little about gaming, and the possible release date of Final Fantasy XV. Come join us you will not be disappointed!

TEG Chat Episode 4 Enhanced
November 13, 2015

In Episode 4 we talk about this last week's T.echnology, E.ntertainment, and G.aming news! We start out with Technology where we talk about Windows 10 day, where Microsoft released a new patch for Windows 10, and released Windows 10 for Xbox One. Then we

TEG Chat Episode 3 Enhanced
October 27, 2015

In Episode 3 we talk about this last week's T.echnology, E.ntertainment, and G.aming news!

TEG Chat Episode 2 Enhanced
September 19, 2015

In this enhanced Episode 2 we talk about this weeks T.echnology, E.ntertainment, and G.aming.

TEG Chat Enhanced
September 13, 2015

TEG Chat is about Technology, Entertainment, and Gaming, and talk about each category in that order.