Mary’s Cup of Tea: the Self-Love Podcast for Women

Mary’s Cup of Tea: the Self-Love Podcast for Women

#81: How to Follow Your Heart

September 01, 2021

At our previous retreat, there was 1 retreat sister who couldn‘t figure out what she wanted when it came to her relationship. Without sharing details, she was at a crossroad in her life. Usually in this situation, everyone says ”follow your heart! do what makes you happy!” But nobody tells you exactly HOW to do that. Like what is the difference between a gut instinct and irrational fear? How do you know when you‘re listening to your own heart when you‘ve been listening to your parents, your partner, your friends for so long? How is it that some people are so in touch with their heart and soul and higher selves and others are so disconnected and struggle to make decisions, let alone be confident in them?

You will learn...

Exactly what‘s getting in the way of you following your heart
3 questions to ask yourself when you‘re at a crossroad in life
The # 1 thing you MUST do if you want to reconnect to yourself

Remember: Following your heart is not equivalent to making perfect decisions all the time. It‘s about what opportunities and adventures and lessons can come from your heart-centered decisions.

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And make sure to get Mary‘s book, The Gift of Self-Love: It’s a self-love workbook that will help you build confidence, recognize your worth, and learn to finally love yourself. Available in stores and online, worldwide!

Mentioned In This Episode...
Episode #64: Struggling to Make Decisions? Listen to this.
Episode #67: Advice for Finding Your Passion + Book Recommendations
The Artist‘s Way by Julia Cameron: