TCBC Sunday Sermon

TCBC Sunday Sermon

20180909-The incomparable Christ chooses you, part 1

September 09, 2018

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3 – The Incomparable Christ Chooses you, part 1
Colossians 1:15-23
Review:   “Who are you?”

* “Saints and faithful brothers with an inheritance who are redeemed and forgiven by the will of God, through the gospel of grace heard and understood, by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Why Christ?
Who He IS:

* (15) Image
* (15) Firstborn
* (17) Eternal
* (18) Head
* (18) Beginning
* (19) Fully God

What He’s done:

* (16) Created
* (17) Holds it together
* (20) Reconciles through the cross
* (22) Presents you holy and blameless and above reproach before him

What’s the big deal?

* (18) That in everything he might be preeminent

So what?

* Fix your eyes on Jesus!
* Place your trust in Jesus!
* Don’t try to clean yourself up then come to Jesus. Come to Jesus & let Him clean you up!