TCBC Sunday Sermon

TCBC Sunday Sermon

20180902-In Christ by grace and the will of God, part 2

September 02, 2018

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In Christ by grace and the will of God, Part 2
Colossians 1:1-14
Review:   “Who are you?”

* “Saints and faithful brothers with an inheritance who are redeemed and forgiven by the will of God, through the gospel of grace heard and understood, by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

A. Where are you?

* (2) In Christ
* (5) With Heavenly Hope
* (13-14) In a New Kingdom

B. How do you look? (4-5)

* Faith in Christ
* Hope in Heaven
* Love for each other in Christ

C. So what? Where to?

* Filled to walk (9-10)
* Strengthened to endure (11)
* Qualified to thank (12)

* Come!