TCBC Sunday Sermon

TCBC Sunday Sermon

20180828-In Christ by grace and the will of God, part 1

August 26, 2018

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In Christ by grace and the will of God, Part 1
Colossians 1:1-14
1. Who are you?

* (2) Saints and faithful brothers
* (12) with an inheritance
* (14) Redeemed and forgiven

2. How?

* (1) By the will of God
* (5-6) through the word of truth, the gospel heard, understood
* (8) in the Spirit

3. So what?

* Are you “in Christ by the grace and will of God” today?
* Are you resting in Christ in your new identity in Him in these areas?
* The answer for both scenarios is to come, or come back to, Christ today.
* Who does God want to send you to in order to proclaim good news?